The Half Ghoul
In modern-day Tokyo, society lives in terror of Ghouls, they are mysterious creatures who look exactly like humans but hunger for their flesh. None of this mattered to Ken Kaneki, who was an ordinary young man until a dark and violent encounter turns him into the first-ever Ghoul-human half breed. After hearing about the Ken Kaneki wasn’t scared but was rather more focused on what lay ahead of him which was overdue homework he forgot to do.
The next day, Ken Kaneki sits at a café with his best friend, Hideyoshi Nagachika, while the news reporting the incident at the Aqua Building in the background. Hideyoshi teases Kaneki about his crush. After Hideyoshi takes his order, he asks for the waitress's name and she introduced herself, her name was Touka Kirishima. Kaneki scolds Hide for being so rude with her until she ran away, but is then stunned by Rize Kamishiro, who just entered the cafe.
After seeing what she looks like, Hideyoshi thinks that Kaneki has no chance with her, then left shortly afterwards. Left alone, Kaneki reads The Black Goat's Egg, then notices that Rize is reading the same book. She notices him as well. Later that night, Kaneki talks to Hideyoshi over the phone about him and Rize’s upcoming bookstore date. Hide rides his bike by the Aqua Building where Ghoul Investigators investigate. They discuss ghouls and how the world could be soon ruled over by ghouls.